Amanda & Brian

November 1–2, 2024

Amanda & Brian

November 1–2, 2024


One of our first fancy dates!  We also became "facebook official"  with this picture :)

March 31, 2014

One of our first fancy dates! We also became "facebook official" with this picture :)
Date night at Walker's Bluff Comedy Night!

April 11, 2014

Date night at Walker's Bluff Comedy Night!
Our first trip together!  Beale Street Music Festival!  Fun facts:  It was supposed to be a secret, but I spilled the beans the first day.  A random person's beer left in a porta potty spilled when Amanda was in there into her pants, and she looked like she peed her pants for hours!

May 02, 2014

Our first trip together! Beale Street Music Festival! Fun facts: It was supposed to be a secret, but I spilled the beans the first day. A random person's beer left in a porta potty spilled when Amanda was in there into her pants, and she looked like she peed her pants for hours!
Herrin Festa!

May 25, 2014

Herrin Festa!
Date night to see Aaron Kamm at Lake of Egypt!  I met Brian's sister, Alex, this night!

May 26, 2014

Date night to see Aaron Kamm at Lake of Egypt! I met Brian's sister, Alex, this night!
Date night at Tres!  Brian met my brother, Brian, that night!

July 06, 2014

Date night at Tres! Brian met my brother, Brian, that night!
That time we went to a costume party, pretty sure we had the best costumes!!!

March 29, 2015

That time we went to a costume party, pretty sure we had the best costumes!!!
One of our favorite pictures!  Juno just invited herself to the photo, it was not planned for her to pop up like she was perfectly posed!

August 30, 2015

One of our favorite pictures! Juno just invited herself to the photo, it was not planned for her to pop up like she was perfectly posed!
That time I talked Brian into our first, and only, 5K!

September 26, 2015

That time I talked Brian into our first, and only, 5K!
Birthday date for Brian, Murder Mystery Dinner!  He was even picked to play a part!

August 05, 2016

Birthday date for Brian, Murder Mystery Dinner! He was even picked to play a part!
Bdubs date!

February 26, 2017

Bdubs date!
Slightly Stoopid Concert!

August 12, 2018

Slightly Stoopid Concert!
Our first Reggae Rise Up!

March 16, 2019

Our first Reggae Rise Up!
Jazzin at the Shed date, Shedd's Aquarium, Chicago!

July 17, 2019

Jazzin at the Shed date, Shedd's Aquarium, Chicago!
At one of Skip and Deb's Christmas Parties!

December 25, 2019

At one of Skip and Deb's Christmas Parties!
6 year first date anniversary, at the Hideout

February 13, 2020

6 year first date anniversary, at the Hideout
Family picture

March 03, 2021

Family picture
Dinner date at Global Gourmet

April 09, 2021

Dinner date at Global Gourmet
Route 51 Brewery, Luau!

June 18, 2022

Route 51 Brewery, Luau!
Our favorite beach vacation spot in Florida!  We will be heading there for our honeymoon!

September 03, 2022

Our favorite beach vacation spot in Florida! We will be heading there for our honeymoon!
Winery time with friends

October 01, 2022

Winery time with friends
Louisville trip!

February 20, 2023

Louisville trip!
Dan and Britney's Wedding!  Brian makes a handsome best man!

June 18, 2023

Dan and Britney's Wedding! Brian makes a handsome best man!
Cheers :)  We share a love of coffee!

July 28, 2023

Cheers :) We share a love of coffee!
Chicago trip, some rooftop bar!

July 29, 2023

Chicago trip, some rooftop bar!
Off the Rails Concert, Carbondale, Aaron Kamm!

September 09, 2023

Off the Rails Concert, Carbondale, Aaron Kamm!
Homecoming, Go Dawgs!

October 21, 2023

Homecoming, Go Dawgs!
10th Anniversary of our first date celebration weekend, also known as the night Brian Frey proposed!!!

February 10, 2024

10th Anniversary of our first date celebration weekend, also known as the night Brian Frey proposed!!!
Moments after proposal, by a comfy fire outside our cabin!

February 10, 2024

Moments after proposal, by a comfy fire outside our cabin!
My forever wedding date!

April 10, 2024

My forever wedding date!
A little winery time!

May 06, 2024

A little winery time!